What is heart-friendly oil?

In 1983 "The Heart of Rock & Roll" was a song performed by Huey Lewis and the News. The song is about how rock & roll music is alive and well all over the United States, A "heart-friendly" oil supplement is the 'Omega-3' oils, the oils that keep you alive and well. The 'Omega-3 oils are the Heart of Rock & Roll in the omega family! Nutritional studies show omega-3 fatty acids may help to: - Lower blood pressure - Reduce triglycerides - Slows the build-up of plaque in the arteries - Reduces abnormal heart rhythm - Reduces the likelihood of heart attacks and strokes - Lessen the chance of sudden cardiac death In the food industry, there are many types of oils to choose from for their ingredient formulas. For the health-conscious consumer world, everyone is seeking healthy heart-friendly nutritional oil.

For this article, we will focus on vegetable-sourced oils. So exactly how does heart-friendly oil work? To fully understand why heart-friendly oils are a good thing for us, it's important to understand the basics of a substance called 'cholesterol.' Cholesterol is a waxy substance that is not inherently "bad." Everyone needs it to build cells and other hormones. Too much cholesterol can pose a problem. Cholesterol is a waxy substance from two sources. Your liver makes all the cholesterol your body needs. The remaining cholesterol in your body comes from foods from animals. Meat, poultry, and dairy products contain dietary cholesterol that are high in saturated trans fats. These fats cause the liver to make more cholesterol than it otherwise would. For some people, this added production means they go from a normal cholesterol level to one that's not normal and is unhealthy. After consuming a saturated fat-containing oil item, it travels via the blood on healthy proteins called "lipoproteins." Two sorts of lipoproteins convey cholesterol throughout the body: bad LDL cholesterol and HDL, which are good. Too much LDL cholesterol, or not enough of the good kind, increases the risk cholesterol will slowly build up in the arteries' inner walls that feed the heart and brain. Omega-3 oils will help reduce cholesterol in the body. Natural oils with Omega-3 fatty acids come from a variety of sources, including: - Hemp seed oil - Heart-friendly corn hybrid (non-GMO) - Cod liver oil. - Flaxseed oil. - Mustard oil. - Soybean oil. - Walnut oil. (Please note the preponderance of plant-based Omega-3 sources.) Studies show omega-3 fatty acids may help to: - Lower blood pressure - Reduce triglycerides - Slow the development of plaque in the arteries - Reduce the chance of abnormal heart rhythm - Reduce the likelihood of heart attack and stroke - Lessen the chance of sudden cardiac death in people with heart disease What are the most effective sorts of oil for your heart? Monounsaturated fats - Plant-based (Ideal oil to minimize threat of cardiovascular disease) - Polyunsaturated fats (Include Omega-3 fats that help in reducing the danger of heart disease Polyunsaturated fats Polyunsaturated fat is located mainly in nuts, seeds, fish, seed oils, and oysters. "Unsaturated" describes the reality that the molecules consist of much less than the maximum quantity of hydrogen. How do you extract all the nutritional value in the oil safely and sustainably? Industrial oil processing for edible oil generally involves the solvent extraction step, which may or may not is preceded by pressing. Solvent extraction is a cheap and typical process in the food ingredient industry. Food companies use solvent extraction for the oil extraction method to process oil out from vegetables, oilseeds, and nuts by solvents. The solvents are: - Hexane (the preferred choice that is cheap and effective) - Propane - Butane Several million pounds of hexane solvent are produced in the United States each year. In the food industry, hexane is used to extract oils from seeds like soybeans, sunflowers, canola, and corn. Hexane is preferable to the oil pressing method as it is more efficient and cheaper. As an extractant, Hexane solvent removes oil before it becomes sold, but there is always a chance some residue may remain in the oil. These High Oleic seeds have the next question with the remarkable properties a health-conscious customer world is seeking: How are the oils extracted? The Community BioRefinery produces heart-friendly oil. An oil with 'Omega-3' that is intact and not ruptured or degraded in its extraction. With CBR's advanced physicochemical solvent-free methods used without heat and pressure for the extraction of the oils, we now have a product that is Alive and Well. "They say the heart of rock and roll is still beating And from what I've seen I believe 'em Now the old boy may be barely breathing But the heart of rock and roll, heart of rock and roll is still beating" ~ Huey Lewis & The News

What is High Oleic Oil?

You know thoses days when you get into your car, turn the key and the "Check your Oil Light pops up?" How often have you heard Changing your engine oil will help keep your engine in good shape? Allowing it to run more efficiently? We are now in the digital age, and see our bodies as a hybrid machines we need to take care of.

We need to check the oil we put into our foods!

High Oleic Corn Oil (Phytosterol - Plant Sterols).

The Hemp-BioRefinery and Community Biorefinery are passionate about plant sterols.